New Year, New Project.
Posted by Pamela Wheaton on
I found myself trying to come up with ideas for a new photoshoot and being totally uninspired. Not that I don't love pinup photography, but the idea of models in pretty dresses being pretty just wasn't "doing it" for me. So I decided to look at the project from another angle. I asked myself:
"what gets you excited?"

And the answer was simple: I get so energized talking to other business people - in particular the ones who I totally admire: the ones that are creating things. I feed off that energy and dream of having some of their creativity (and focus!!).
So with that answer in mind I came up with a concept for a blog series - interviews with local entrepreneurs, (some that I work directly with) that I think are doing really cool things along with photo shoots with them featuring Heartbreak Boutique clothing. I want to high light the awesome things happening in our community and give the people doing them a chance to dress up and have a little fun!

Once I started going through the list of people I wanted to be involved in this project, it really hit me just how many people there are right here in Saint John doing totally unique, ambitious, and beautiful things. If everyone I want to participate in the series agrees to, it could go on for years!
The first featured entrepreneur is Susa
n Pass, the creator/designer of all the beautiful, nifty things from Remnant Design Studio and you'll be seeing that post next week, so stay tuned!