#LocalBizLove Featuring Dioné Cosmetics
Posted by Pamela Wheaton on
Alisha Anderson is a powerhouse. No question. A Powerhouse with pink hair, and it doesn't get any more awesome then that! I don't know anyone who has the kind of hustle she has. Starting up your own business is a challenge - launching your own make up company (in the Maritimes no less!) makes that seems like a breeze, but she owns her brand, she has put love, sweat, and her booty into it and has grown Dioné into a thriving. wonderful business! We started our businesses around the same time, but I definitely look to her for motivation and inspiration.

1. Tell me a little about yourself.
My name is Alisha Anderson, I am almost 33 and I am the CEO of Dioné Cosmetics which is a direct sales cosmetics company. I have 4 dogs, a cat and a very supportive boyfriend of 6 years.
2. What drew you to cosmetics? How did you take the leap from being a makeup artist to starting your own make up line?
Cosmetics/makeup to me, is a way to express myself. It’s an extension of my mood and allows me to be creative. I knew when I went into makeup that I needed to do more than just makeup application to make money. I didn’t want to work for someone else and I wanted to do something that would set me apart from the other makeup artists, so I decided very early on that I wanted to start my own cosmetics company.
3. You are heading to a big event in the near future: tell us about it!
Eeeeeeee. Is super exciting and a bit scary. I am taking Dioné Cosmetics to Vancouver in May for the International Makeup Artist Trade Show (IMATS). This even happens all over the world including New York, Los Angeles and Toronto among others. It is a great place to establish a company as professional. I will be placing Dioné in the eye sight of major players on the makeup game. It’s scary, but they always say the bigger the dream, the scarier the dream.

4. What's the most common question you get about make up application?
They really vary. Makeup is like fashion: it changes and evolves all the time. At first, all people wanted to know how to do was a “smokey eye”. Now, people are obsesses with contouring and highlighting, which, in all honesty, I am not a fan of.
5. What's one simple tip you can give those of us that are a little make-up shy?
Don’t be shy!!! It’s makeup. There is zero commitment. If you do something that you don’t like, it washes off. There is no need to be shy about it. If you do a makeup look that is a bit out of your comfort zone, OWN IT. Be confident and no one will know the difference. It’s all about your attitude. Makeup is fun…..just play.

6. Do you have a bucket list? What is one of the items on your list?
I do have a bucket list. Some of the items are slowly getting checked off. One really big one is to be inducted in to the Canadian Walk of Fame. It’s an ominous goal, but it may happen.
7. What advice do you have for small-business-owner wanna-bes? What has been your biggest challenge? What about your biggest success?
Advice for small business owner wanna-bes….hmmmmm…..sooo much. The one thing I would say is stay true to your vision. You know what you want. Your vision will evolve and change, mine did, but if I had of listened to everyone who provided their opinion, I am not sure where Dioné would be. I had a vision, I stayed true to that, and no matter what, I owned it and am very proud of what I have accomplished.
My biggest challenge is getting Dioné Cosmetics out there. I am in my 3rd year of business and there are still so many people who do not know it even exists in this city.
My biggest success to incorporating. It may not be a big deal for some, but for me, signing those documents that said that Dioné Cosmetics is not an entity all on its own, that was HUGE. So many people did not believe I could do this…..and incorporating solidified my hard work.
My biggest challenge is getting Dioné Cosmetics out there. I am in my 3rd year of business and there are still so many people who do not know it even exists in this city.
My biggest success to incorporating. It may not be a big deal for some, but for me, signing those documents that said that Dioné Cosmetics is not an entity all on its own, that was HUGE. So many people did not believe I could do this…..and incorporating solidified my hard work.
8. Where do you see Dioné Cosmetics in 5 years?
In 5 years, Dioné Cosmetics will have Goddesses (This is what Dioné calls their sales women) all over Canada. I will have a headquarters here in Saint John and hopefully, be starting the groundworks for building a manufacturing facility so that the cosmetics will come from my home town.

9. If you could swap lives with anyone for one day, who would it be?
Hmmmmmmm…..good question. She has passed away, but if she was still alive, I would love to swap with Mary Kay Ash. She was a pioneer in not only makeup, but in business. She created a legacy with $3000. I emulate her work ethic and passion.
10. Anything you’d like to add?
THANK YOU for asking me to be a part of this very cool series. I am honored to be among the talented ladies that you have already showcased.
Thanks to Alicia Robichaud Photography for yet another awesome photo shoot & to Alisha Anderson for taking time out of her super busy schedule to help us out!
All clothing from Heartbreak Boutique!